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Work With Me/Us

We're not about offering cookie-cutter travel experiences that lack depth and personalization. You're all about embracing the values of uniqueness, sustainability, and transformative impact. You meticulously craft journeys that resonate with each client's individuality, fostering connections with diverse cultures and leaving a positive imprint on the destinations you explore. You prioritize authenticity over conformity, and you'd rather embark on the challenging path of creating truly meaningful experiences than settle for the commonplace and predictable every time.

Welcome to a Smarter Way to Plan Extraordinary Travel, Events, and

It's about time you experienced transformative travel without the stress of planning.

Elevate Your Adventures: Embrace the Extraordinary

At Avventura Vida, we take care of all the details so you can simply enjoy the journey. We source and book your dream hotel and villas, and orchestrating every aspect of your itinerary, we'll collaborate with you to develop a partnership and sponsorship strategy that can make your retreat profitable, if that's your aim. We execute your event flawlessly on-site and ensure a seamless travel experience for every attendee, from booking to arrival.

We specialize in crafting one-of-a-kind luxury travel experiences with heart. Whether you're a woman entrepreneur or business leader, our retreats and events provide empowerment, a break from the hustle, and a chance to rejuvenate, no matter the type of adventure – retreats, romance, family, or solo. Every moment is curated with love.

Do you ever envision designing the perfect vacation for you and your loved ones, a retreat or event but wonder how to turn that vision into a reality, leaving you questioning where to even begin in the planning process?

Let's explore together 

We're more than travel planners; we're memory weavers. Travel shapes, transforms, and connects us. Our journeys aren't just sightseeing; they're opportunities to engage, learn, and grow. We're dedicated to local communities, sustainability, and making a positive impact. Travel with us, be a global citizen.

Unlocking Your Journey to Epic Adventures

let us design your next experience

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Effortless planning with Avventura Vida. Discover meticulously crafted retreats, customized travel plans, getaways, and the expert touch of our Event Planning Assistance. Like a serene beach stroll or a peaceful forest hike, we'll lead you to extraordinary destinations. Let the rhythm of nature guide you. Start your adventure, let us plan it.


Let's craft memorable travel

Welcome to 'Travel Odyssey,' the Avventura Vida Podcast. Explore travel, wellness, business, women's empowerment, and the art of crafting your own story. Join conversations that inspire exploration and self-discovery for an extraordinary life.


coming Winter 2023

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"She has taken so much off my plate with planning and communication so that I can stay in my own zone of genius and run my coaching business. Eternally grateful!"

Diana Said:

Meet Maria - Founder
Passionately Curating Memories

Hello! I'm Maria, the driving force behind Avventura Vida Travel. As an Ecuadorian Latina, I'm fueled by a passion for wellness, fitness, adventure, and vibrant cultural exploration. My brand centers on crafting transformative travel experiences that empower women and ignite change. I'm dedicated to supporting communities, nurturing sustainability, and safeguarding our planet. Gastronomy and adventure? They're key players in our journey of discovery.

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Get a monthly wanderluster's 

As a true travel enthusiasts ourselves, we understand the thrill of exploring new places and immersing ourselves in different cultures. This Postcard is design to bring the world of travel to your doorstep.  It's like getting a postcard from a friend, only this e-postcard is packed full of travel tips, insider knowledge, and inspiring destination to ignite your wanderlust.

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Fun Fact:

We're old fashioned & love a good postcard in the mail. However, sustainability is also important to us. our aim is to evoke the same sense of connectedness & excitement with our email postcard. Can't wait to get your reurn postcard messages, my friends!

Ready to Make Your Travel Dreams A Reality?

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 Avventura Vida’s intention is to create unique and personalized travel experiences that cater to your travel dreams and desires.


5 Secrets to A Better Launch

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